Frequently Asked Questions
Why should I join Northern England Labour Left (NELL)?
NELL is about action. It is about doing something positive at a time when many Left activists are feeling demoralised and traumatised by the changes wrought by a bruising General Election, a new Leadership and other recent Party structural changes. Instead of leaving the Party NELL aims to give people hope and a positive vision for the future of Socialist politics in the North, as well as the skills and knowledge to be candidates, or to support them, for elected positions.
How is NELL different from Momentum, LLA, CLPD, CLGA, Don’t Leave,Organise etc.?
You can be members of NELL and members of Momentum etc. NELL is complementary and will work closely with these other organisations to ensure we are united in backing Left Socialist candidates for elected positions in the Labour Party and public office.
NELL is not a political talking shop. Our members actively work towards electing Left Socialist candidates for positions of power and influence at all levels across the Northern Region.
What part do members play in NELL’s democratic and organisational structures?
All full members can raise motions and vote at regular ordinary meetings and the annual general meeting. All members are involved in important decisions affecting how NELL operates, including electing NELL officers. All votes are One Member One Vote.
Operationally there is a Membership Services Group of volunteers who manage all aspects of membership, training and internal member communications, plus a separate Communications and Social Media Group responsible for external communications.
There is also an Organising Group which coordinates election support, affiliations, regional NELL groups and diversity and equality networks, as well as relationships with Labour affiliated unions and socialist societies.
A Coordination and Support Team includes the four elected officers i.e. two Co-Chairs, Secretary, Treasurer and a Membership Secretary, plus other members as required for administration and support.
The Strategy Implementation Group, consists of representatives from all of the above operational groups. This group is at least 50% women and includes at least one each of BAME, LGBT+, Young member and Disabled Members representatives.
Why do I need a proposer and seconder on the application form?
Ensuring that members share our Aims, Values and Political Priorities and are willing to be active, is crucial to building NELL. We also want our members to know they belong to a trusted network of comrades who will not share confidential, strategic information outside the group. We ask for two ‘referees’ to ensure that people joining NELL meet these criteria, understand what we are about and are willing to engage and actively support the activities of NELL.
Why do I need to pay membership subscription fees and what will the money be spent on?
NELL has no staff and is entirely run by a number of hard-working volunteers. We have to support a Membership system and other IT for website, finance etc. but the bulk of our income will be spent on organising training, mentoring and political events and supporting working class Socialist candidates and under-represented groups to get elected. We also aim to support NELL members in attending Regional Conference if CLPs are unable or unwilling to help.
No one who wants to join NELL should be deterred by membership subscription costs. Please select the most affordable option for your personal circumstances.
There are four levels of NELL membership subscription available:
FREE for Young Members (under 27) and those under financial stress
CONCESSION rate of £1 a month or £12 per year for unwaged or low-income
BASIC rate of £3 a month or £36 a year for waged over 27, who can afford to pay this higher rate
SOLIDARITY rate starting from £4 a month or £48 a year up to as much as a member is willing and able to pay.
Can I be a supporter without joining NELL?
We are looking at introducing a Supporter category for those people who need time to consider if NELL is right for them, or for those who would otherwise be eligible but live outside the Labour North Region.
We hope to have this set up very soon so watch this space.
Does NELL have equalities and diversity groups?
Yes, when you are a signed up member if you wish we will put you in touch with other members in the NELL Women, NELL Disabled Members, NELL LGBT+, NELL BAME and NELL Young Members groups in accordance with groups you identify with.
How does my Left/Socialist group affiliate to NELL?
Within the Organising Group there is a small sub-group of volunteers with responsibility to liaise with other Left groups across the North. If you email and provide contact details we will get back to you as soon as possible.